Checking Your Route With Satellite

Always Double Check Your Route!

When it comes to navigating to remote locations, it's important to not rely solely on the turn by turn navigation. While many lease roads are in the system, not every ice road, private road, or goat trail will be. This is why it's essential for users to also check the satellite map when planning a trip to a remote oil and gas location.

When a road is not mapped in the navigation system the app will navigate you to the closest point where there is a road. This can be troublesome if say, a lease road is not in the system and the location is beside a river, but there is a mapped road on the other side of the river. The app may navigate you to the wrong side of the river. Definitely not ideal! See below for examples, the left image looks like it will get you to the location, but the right satellite image shows that you must take another route to get to location.

Don't worry though. In OilTrails, simply tap the 'Layers' or 'Terrain' button on the right side of the screen. This will allow the comparison between the roads, terrain, and satellite layers and adjust your route accordingly. Your location is mapped live on the map, so you can ensure you are following the best route to location.

Another reason to check satellite maps is to identify any potential obstacles or hazards that may not be visible on the app's map. For example, a dirt road may be passable in dry weather, but impassable when it's wet. The satellite map can give you a better idea of the road's condition, and help you plan accordingly.

Finally, you can identify landmarks that can help you confirm your location. The satellite map can help you identify landmarks such as buildings, bridges, or even trees that can help you confirm your location.

In conclusion, while turn by turn navigation is a convenient tool for finding your way to a destination, you should also check satellite maps to identify confirm the route, find potential hazards, confirm your location, and gather important information about the area you are traveling through. By taking the time to check satellite maps, you can ensure a safe and successful journey to your destination.